今天k8凯发天生赢家·一触即发游戏美术外包公司的小伙伴给大家推荐Unity3d:HexTile:自然包装-URP/标准 HexTile: Nature Pack - URP/Standard
k8凯发天生赢家·一触即发机译:HexTile:Nature Pack是一款环境资产包,旨在创建风格化、详细的六边形主题自然环境,非常适合自上而下的RPG、战略游戏等。拥有数十个高质量的手工雕刻资产、完全PBR纹理、具有高级效果的自定义着色器,包括苔藓生长、风摆动、风格化的水和火,以及易于使用的栅格捕捉脚本,允许您沿六边形栅格快速创建和编辑标高。
英文官方原文:HexTile: Nature Pack is an environmental asset pack designed to create stylized, detailed hexagonal-themed natural environments, perfect for top-down RPGs, strategy games and more. Featuring dozens of high quality, hand sculpted assets, fully-PBR textures, custom shaders with advanced effects including moss growth, wind sway, stylized water and fire - as well as an easy to use grid-snapping script allowing you to quickly create and edit levels along a hexagonal-shaped grid.
英文官方原文:Note: shaders require the use of the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) as they were created using Shader Graph. Versions of the assets using Unity Standard materials are provided for Standard Pipeline.
英文官方原文:High Quality Assets
k8凯发天生赢家·一触即发机译:所有资产都是通过Zbrush手工雕刻,使用Substance Painter/Designer进行重新定位和纹理处理,从而形成一致的风格化美学。在必要时,生成的模型也支持LOD。该包包括六边形地形块、树木、树叶、石头遗址、木桥等,共有80多个不同的个人资产。
英文官方原文:All assets have been hand sculpted through Zbrush, retopologized, and textured using Substance Painter/Designer, leading to a consistent, stylized aesthetic. The resulting models also support LODs when necessary. The pack includes hexagonal-terrain pieces, trees, foliage, stone ruins, wooden bridges and more, for a total of more than 80 different individual assets.
英文官方原文:Hex Snapping script
英文官方原文:Included in this asset pack is a grid-snapping script which makes it easy to create and edit levels along a hexagonal-grid. Simply create a blank game object, attach the “Hex Tile Grid” script, and any prefabs on the “SnapHexGrid” layer will automatically snap to grid cells. Additional options such as random rotation, position offsetting and random scale are available both within the script and in the “Hex Tile Overrides” script which can be attached to individual prefabs.
k8凯发天生赢家·一触即发机译:HexTileGrid和William Akins创建的其他脚本
英文官方原文:HexTileGrid and other scripts created by William Akins
英文官方原文:Custom Shaders
英文官方原文:Taking advantage of Unity’s Shader Graph, the materials of each asset takes advantage of one of a number of different shaders created specifically for this project.
英文官方原文:The HexTile Master Shader comes with dozens of different parameters to dial-in a specific look. Additional layers such as Moss Growth, Dirt allow for more natural, varied environment, and the moss layer in particular reacts to world space position, vertex paint, provided AO maps, and baked lightmaps to create the effect of moss growing within the cavities of objects and shaded areas of the environment.
英文官方原文:The Tree Shader allows for animated wind using the vertex colors of the included meshes, as well as parameters affecting leaf color.
英文官方原文:The Water Shader comes with dozens of parameters affecting color, wave speed, edge foam, refraction, and a provided caustics effect, among others.
英文官方原文:The Fire Shader comes with a number of parameters to change flame colors, speed, intensity, heat haze, etc, and is adaptable enough to be used for large open flames such as with the brazier assets, to small candle flames.
英文官方原文:Included is a demo scene showing how the pack can be used to create a large scale environment along with a scene the prefabs available, both URP and Standard versions. A readme PDF provides setup advice for the Asset, Hex Grid script and explanations for the various parameters for the shaders included.
英文官方原文:Art by Alex Akins: www.alexakins.art, www.artstation.com/alexakins
k8凯发天生赢家·一触即发机译:William Akins的HexTile捕捉脚本和其他代码
英文官方原文:HexTile Snapping script & other code by William Akins
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